Monday, July 25, 2011


A few years ago I started reading stitching blogs and was set back when I read about 'LNS' in the blogging. It didn't take long to figure it out and now - a few years later I find I can boast about my LNS! It is newly opened - June 3, 2o11, and is truly a break out new type of stitching shop for needlepointers in Arizona. The name -- BESTITCHED NEEDLEPOINT -- website is and if you haven't visited it make it a point to go right now and partake in one of the most amazing and caring shops ever.

Jeannine and Lisa (owners) are very conscious of helping us with our choice of canvases, fibers and stitches. If you come to visit Arizona you have to make a trip to see for yourself how wonderful a shop can feel.

Now - back to my stitching....hugs to all......