Monday, July 25, 2011


A few years ago I started reading stitching blogs and was set back when I read about 'LNS' in the blogging. It didn't take long to figure it out and now - a few years later I find I can boast about my LNS! It is newly opened - June 3, 2o11, and is truly a break out new type of stitching shop for needlepointers in Arizona. The name -- BESTITCHED NEEDLEPOINT -- website is and if you haven't visited it make it a point to go right now and partake in one of the most amazing and caring shops ever.

Jeannine and Lisa (owners) are very conscious of helping us with our choice of canvases, fibers and stitches. If you come to visit Arizona you have to make a trip to see for yourself how wonderful a shop can feel.

Now - back to my stitching....hugs to all......

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


My name is Marylou -- yes, one word -- but for most of my adult life I've been known as ML or ml (depending on whether I hit the cap key or not). I have no idea what I'm doing starting this blog but I'm doing it!!

Warm here today (well, it IS July in Arizona) - 108 I believe. Today's weather and the weeks to come will offer a perfect excuse - if I needed one - to sit under the AC and stitch and read. Except I do have to go to work to support this habit.

I occasionally do take a look at TV. In fact I just watched a great new show on SyFy called "Warehouse 13". If you get a chance view it.

I returned to needlepoint about 3 years ago and have been taking classes and seminars ever since. Early in my marriage I stitched quite a bit but that was when it was continental/tent/basket weave for the most part. In the early 80's I did find a charted sampler in a stitching shop in Vail, CO and loved it. Life got busy after that as I know many of you understand and I basically did no stitching. What I did do was macrame! Yep -just like lots of you out there it was cheap, decorative and you didn't have to be a rocket scientist to learn to knot. I'll write more about that in a separate blog.

I'm grateful for the wonderful needlepoinjt shops I have here in Scottsdale, AZ, and am always taking a class at one of them. I'm not sure what I like the best about the classes -- the piece I'm stitching or the friends I see.

I'm off to bed like a good girl right now and will add as I have time.
Thanks for reading the inaugural entry to my blog.